Only Informational Post Ever

Update: Apparently my girlfriend is better at the Internet than I am.

This site will also display the information you crave. She wins a free plug:


Thought I'd jump back on the ol' web log to be a good American. We're supposed to be democratizing tomorrow and I'm anxious as a slug to let my .0000001% of a vote count. I think we all know by now who's getting our presidential vote (LHC 08), but what many people may not realize is that all those people listed after John McCain and Barack Obama are running their own mud-slinging campaigns and we're neglecting our democratic duty by ignoring them and their slander.

Some co-workers and I recently tried to find a list of all candidates running for state and local positions, only to find out that is the only thing you can't get on the Internet. You can pirate movies that aren't even filmed yet, but try to easily find a comprehensive list of every political competition in your area. I mean, the tried and true method of pulling the all-democrat or all-republican lever holds up pretty well, as does making your picks based on the candidates names (Cheeses Christ vs. Bob Satan... hm, that Bob Satan seems too concerned with spreading my wealth around), but wouldn't it be nice to actually know a thing or two about who's running before the election? Well, thanks to the fine people over at Blog of Geis, now you can (if you're in Allegheny County, that is). You can hit that link or take a look at the relevant sample ballot I copied from the post below. You'll still have to do your research on these candidates, and you only have one night to do it now, but I think a good hour is really all you need to choose our future leaders. If you think too far into it, you'll get bored and realize the Choose-Based-On-Their-Names method is way better. Ballot to follow:

Presidential Electors:

Barack Obama / Joe Biden | Democratic
John McCain / Sarah Palin | Republican
Ralph Nadar / Matt Gonzalez | Independent
Bob Barr / Wayne A. Root | Libertarian

Attorney General:

John M. Morganelli | Democratic
Tom Corbett | Republican
Marakay J. Rogers | Libertarian

Representative in Congress:

Steve O'Donnell | Democratic
Tim Murphy | Republican

Senator in the General Assembly:

Jay Costa, Jr. | Democratic

Representative in the General Assembly:

Paul Costa | Democratic

Auditor General:

Jack Wagner | Democratic
Chet Beiler | Republican
Betsy Summers | Libertarian

State Treasurer:

Robert McCord | Democratic
Tom Ellis | Republican
Berlie Etzel | Libertarian