The 9 Most Racist Disney Characters
(No, Internet, I'm not racist, but the absurdity of stereotypes paired with a collection of witty quips is win)
After you've read that article, be sure to check out the comments below it for some great lessons on fun-ruining and parade-raining. For example (my comments in bold):
Way to fight the good fight, Self-Righteous Guy.
The article isn't nearly as funny as all the comments. It's a perfect avenue, like most issues, to sit on the fence, especially when replying to so many different things (at this point we realize this guy is serious business). Yes, of course this is all stretched, but it screams deliberation too, and therefore is a little too easy to swing on either side. Take it as lightly as you want, sure, but there's one point that no one (at least recently, I only skimmed around 10 posts) seems to have made- you have to all remember these are LITTLE KIDS. Does that make it alright for a book to say that native americans achieved their skin tone by blushing, or that a slave is blissfully complacent in his situation, after the Civil War? Racism's a cozy blanket (lol, what?), but this is worse- instilling awful misconceptions (in retrospect at seventeen, the lame creativity can be acknowledged, occasionally appreciated, but while you're at the typical Disney age?) is just not done. (If you're still awake, good job) Yes, you might be remembering Tintin in the Congo with this whole "it was written in that age" business, but that doesn't justify Disney's remakes. It's not just being an Indian in this context- though I was an easy victim of Pocahontas. "Oh wow you're Indian, do you live in a teepee?!" (Imagine the bitter and impatient scowl on this kid's face after being asked that for the 100th time in his life) was the first thing thrust at me in second grade. It's really not that funny at all, it's that fatal underlying current of colonialism that lives in every nook and corner of our lives. Black fish would certainly raise the skeptical eyebrows of even the gullible or the sheep (lol what?), but in a way this is mocking something much bigger, much more serious. Propaganda certainly hits kids the most, it is the reason for all that sub-conscious racism that we all toss aside today!
You missed the chance to have "racism" and "Disney" as labels next to each other...
Blast, you're right.
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