Yes We Cantor

So the blog a day thing obviously did not work out, I think we all saw that coming. I'm still going to keep at it, but you should quell the need to sit on the page refreshing day after day.

Inauguration Day has come and gone and we finally have a new president. President Baraka from Mortal Kombat II is now our fearless leader, and I've never felt safer. I do, however, have various scattered comments about this that I wanted to try and deliver in some sort of organized fashion. If you were looking for something clever and humorous, well, sorry, but I don't know what you were doing here in the first place.

There's no denying the fact that my views lately have clearly scuttled in a Libertarian/classic conservative direction, and through the election I firmly supported your friend and mine, Congressman Ron Paul. This has not changed. I still think both the Republican and Democratic party have become bloated, self-serving, overspending train wrecks. But I think there'll be plenty of time to moan about that later.

I'm sort of a mixed bag on our new president though. Based on my support for Paul, whose views are essentially opposite Obama's, I should hate him, but I don't. I'm just not Rah-Rah-Bama like everyone else seems to be. I really do think he's an intelligent and good man, but this system is far too broken right now and we need more than just a new president to fix everything. Bush was a dummy and a silly goose and that makes him a perfect scapegoat for where we are now, but he was just one tiny piece of the puzzle. Our democratic congress should've essentially nulled him out, but they failed hard on all counts. This leads me to believe either our supposed "checks and balances" are completely broken or Democrats and Republicans aren't really as polar opposite as we all try to make them out to be.

Obama's speeches and promises sound great because he's a charismatic guy, but he's already pulled back on some of them, and I can't figure out how he plans to afford the rest. Not to mention his very disappointing cabinet picks so far (cough, cough)

This economic downturn is unavoidable and we're going to suffer in the short term, whether anyone likes it or not. Bad decisions were made, money and credit were created out of thin air and businesses and people lived outside of their means for too long. I think bailouts like those Obama voted for will only prop us up for so long in the short term, but will absolutely devastate us in the long term when it comes crashing down... and it hurts inside. You've got to take a stand, it don't help to hide... sorry.

That being said, Barack Obama went to Columbia and Harvard, and I did not. I do think though that it is our job as Americans not to blindly support the man with our Yes We Can t-shirts, artsy renditions of his portrait and Obama logo tattoos (yes, I saw one). Everyone's celebrating and that's well and good, but it's our duty to be skeptical and pay attention, lest our freedoms be raped for another 8 years. So if anyone asks me what I think of our new Commander-in-Chief, I respond by saying I am cautiously optimistic.

And just so you know I'm not making up the optimistic part, Obama thus far has already impressed me with some of his first decisions in the White House. Many of them are really just words at this point... I'll hold my applause for action to be taken, but still, great steps in a new, much more hopeful direction:


Just read a new story that actually greatly excites me about Obama, at least from a technology standpoint.

And, to balance that, one that worries me.

This pleases me most of all
This could be more for show than anything, but it sparked my interest
Important step in the right direction


Brandon Szuminsky said...

You went to the Harvard of Greene County...

Ramie.Leigh said...

I half-hoped that last link just connected to a raptor-Jesus image....

and by "half"... I mean ENTIRELY.

I Spariti said...

Well done, buddy.

There bailouts certainly are going to come back and bite us in the ass, there's no doubt about it.

I think we (America) should file that even possible for a country to file bankruptcy?

We could start with a clean slate.

(This was the recommendation of the truck driver delivering me fresh towels to the restaurant while scratching his ass. He may be on to something.)

Ramie.Leigh said...


A Yinzer's Diary said...

Just looking at the tagged words on the side of your blog while I scrolled down to the comments section was hilarious, by the by.

I do like that even though you are the conservative of the group, you give Obama a chance. Although, do you not like the bailouts because Ron Paul doesn't feel they will work? I do think the bailouts may help. And if they don't, well, it was worth a shot. It is a long shot. But if someone offers you a long shot at something and if you miss, you get a swift kick to the nuts, I would take the long shot. It is worth the risk of more debt.

As far as the RIAA lawyers go, just judge (haha) them by what they do in office first before you hate them. Hate Geithner first. What an asshole. This is my biggest complaint about Obama so far.

Chris said...

Thing is, taking that long shot greatly increases debt and missing it is adding to the many swift kicks to the nuts that we already have coming. I definitely don't think it's worth it.

I know you and I both sit opposite each other at the laissez-faire table, but we're arguing over something that I don't believe has existed in America for a while, and thus, can't be to blame for the crisis today. The businesses being bailed out, the too-big-to-failers, are failing. This is probably due to mismanagement, excessive greed, whatever. This means the market is actually working, but rather than let them fail, we're giving them more money (that doesn't exist) to continue the mismanagement.

I just feel like we're opening new credit cards to pay for our old credit cards. The longer we do that, the worse it'll be in the end. If we stop now, reassess and restructure, maybe the fall won't be as hard as it could be.